Muslim amulets and talismans to surprise its diversity. As in other cultures, the greater part of them are closely related with religion. Muslim, the magic a long time ago believe very powerful: the witches invoke the spirits and the jinn, which is very complicated, dangerous, and requires a clear compliance with the rules. Only the strong and experienced, the mage is capable of such practice, since that is the jinn and Ifrit can kill for the smallest misstep.

Muslim amulets and talismans — the magic of the East
People in the East believe in the power of the word, and also a bright décor and temperament. There common hexagons, curse, including generics. Therefore, oriental, people always tried to protect against this type of problem. It follows that, muslims, talismans and amulets have a powerful force. Most of them have protective properties, but there are other symbols.
Many muslims talismans can be seen not only at the time of arrival in hot countries on holiday, but in the stores in our country. Some of them you can do by yourself. For example, the embroidery is one of the symbols or make a bead bracelet. Works well also muslim nodular magic, but more about that below.
In the East, know how to achieve your goal of hitting the man has no rival, to keep the youth and make a fortune. If you look to the east for women, you may notice that they are happy, rich, and always look good. His secret — reservation east of the magic that protects you from all evil and helps to achieve any goal. It is transmitted only orally, in a whisper, and without witnesses, it is only the people closest to you. Initially, he practiced the magic of the women only, but later appeared and men-practice.
Magic is forbidden in the Quran, and, even in our time the Tribunal of the Faith can punish by these lessons, as a heinous crime. Before the witchcraft in the East depend on the death penalty, however, as in most countries, during the middle ages. Being punished is not only a wizard, but who was looking. Magic, the knowledge accumulated in secret and passed on cautiously.
A change of destination, the reduction and the renewal of life has always been considered very dangerous in the East, not only because of the laws, who live there. Another reason is the great force that you cannot give to a person who does not have confidence. Today's magic away you can see every oriental resident, such as your home. When this occurs, it is not always the residents admit that they believe in idols and turn to him. But, despite this, the talismans have become an integral part of life in a muslim country. How many years ago, a time when countries flows more slowly, and the diary of ali steeped in religion and magic.
Muslims talismans and lucky amulets — crescent moon

As the majority of the muslims of characters and amulets, increasing, is closely related to religion. He is considered one of the most common pets in the East. Mascot looks like a crescent moon with a star at the bottom of your horn.
Crescent — one of the main symbols of islam. Among adherents of this religion, it has the same importance, such as the crucifixion to an orthodox christian. But it is known that this symbol appeared long before the first ideas related to islam. If you profess other religions this costume rarely use.
Growing is used exclusively in an order of protection. It is believed that he protects the property of the whammy, decay and curses. Similar away to take any difficulty magical character.
The muslim away from Hamsa
The guardian is known all over the world, moreover it is present not only in a muslim culture. It has a great significance in judaism. Away from Hamsa has a large variety of titles — the Hand of Fatima, Hand of Miriam, the Hand of God. In Spain, this amulet was so common that in the 16th century that had to prohibit by law.
On our site you can find an article about the talisman, the Hand of Fatima, from which will know its history and the legends related with it, and the attitude in other countries. This round is popular in our country, therefore, the pendant, the pendant to your home or even a pram with his image of no surprise.
Hamsa not only protects against the deterioration and the evil eye. In the East, believe that the mascot prolongs the life is using it, gives a good health and material well-being. Away from Hamsa can become not only personal, but also to protect the house, bringing well-being and protecting the whole family of envy and deterioration.
Amulet of Islam

Amulet of Islam can be called one of the most young people throughout the East. He has recently appeared, in spite of the name, which is contrary to this fact. If you talk more about the exact time of the emergence of an amulet of Islam, it is believed that this happened in the first years after the occurrence of a particular religion.
It is believed that the creator of this symbol was the prophet Muhammad. It looks like a smooth round coin with the decorative cost. Use it, preferably those who have chosen for their faith, the islam, because the main function of the symbol to do so, so that the prayer was heard by God.
Amulet of Islam is able to relieve pain and cure diseases. He has and protective properties, saved from black magic, envy and accidents, but also serious diseases.
Eye of Fatima against evil eye
The eyes of Fatima can be seen on the shelves of markets in hot countries. The guardian is a success not only among locals, but also tourists. In our country, it is also difficult to find a person that does not know what mean the bright of a bead in the shape of an eye. Ward has a rich history and very versatile, the value about which you can learn from an article on our site.
Many don't really believe in the power of the Eye of Fatima, and for good reason. It possesses powerful protective properties, and can become an excellent and elegant decoration. To divert attention from himself, the Eye of Fatima protects its owner against the evil eye, decay and envy.
But there is one condition. Round important that it should be made of glass. In addition, it can not be used under clothing. Eye of Fatima, carries out its function only when it is in front of strangers.
Surah and the verses of the Quran
There are a number of recommendations on how to properly apply surah, verses and dua against evil eye and for protection against evil. You can make and the muslim mascot, which is not contrary to the laws of the Quran and helps protect against witchcraft and jealousy. But to use it is only possible for those who profess islam. For all others, this item can be dangerous, so calculated only for those who are connected to a muslim egregor. At least, he's not going to work in the adherent of another religion and who does not respect the muslim law.
Of special importance for the muslim to have 225 verse 2 surah of the Quran, which is called ayatul Kursi. Is your need of rewriting in a small sheet of paper and fold it three times so to get a triangle. The resulting paper triangle need to wrap in foil, then the dark matter or the skin.
Are such policies have on the body. You can engage in the loop and use around the neck, the pocket is also well suited. But these items should not be below the waist of a man, who is a muslim, the mascot. It carries within itself the stronger protective properties.

Zulfiqar — powerful amulet oriental
Zulfiqar is a guardian, created the Maghreb tradition. It is called by the name of an angel, The Zulfikar, strong and pious, patron saint of soldiers. The amulet represents two transierunt of a dagger, in the blades which was written surah for protection. It is very popular among the oriental entrepreneurs.
Zulfiqar can be as personal, and the mascot. In the second case, it will protect your home against the wiles of pseudo-friends and relatives, theft and machinations of enemies. The main property of this amulet is a form of protection.
As the staff of joss Zulfiqar will be a good remedy against the evil eye, decay and envy. It cuts out all the negative magical influence, aimed at the owner. In addition, Zulfiqar grants success in business.
How to make a muslim turn away from his hands
In the East is very popular, nodular magic. Knowing the technique, with the wires, you can receive the protection, find love, and achieve other purposes. Don't underestimate the things that are similar, using the knowledge of a few hundred years ago, to the east, the woman could change his fate.
If you suspect that you may induce disfigurement, or for other reasons, you need a powerful protection against malware of magic, you can do segment the amulet. It protects against witchcraft and exorcism, and use the amulet to trust on the left side ankle black.
Take the black-and-white line and bandage them together 114 knots, twist line. 114 is the number of Sunn in the Quran. When the network needs to talk to surat, Barack, during the tying of each one of the burl.
To make the elixir of love amulet, we need green and red line. They, too, tied at 114 sites. Amulet attracts love, but with the condition that its worn under the clothes, away from prying eyes.
For the lucky call, as many of us three blue in a row with two white and, then, hidden in the heart of a secluded place of the house. The success can be woven in the same way, three green and one yellow for the discussion.
The activation of the mascot of the muslim
You can enable-if not only of a particular character. You can make a charm of any golden, the decoration, what you already have. It is also suitable ring with carnelian, Jasper, or agate — the magical stones muslims. It is important, so that the decoration does not have any physical damage.
So, first is read protector of the Sunnah.
Audhu bi kalimati-Llahi-t-tammati allati La yogawiz Hanna, Barron VA La Facility min Shar-ri mA Halaka, VA, VA, baraa Sara, VA min Harrius facile mA min AC-Samaya VA min Henricus jarugu mA Fi-ha, WA min Shar-ri mA Sara Fi-l-arda expellentes WA mA min Henricus yakhruju minha min VA Henricus fitini-l-Laily WA-n-Nahari, WA min Kulli Henricus tarikan illa tarikan iatrou bi-hairin, ya Rahman.
Now you need to sit down on his knees to the East. Take in hand your future-ward and lift it up so that it was above your head. After that, say three times:

Bismil-laahi, rrahmani rrahim. Al-hamdu Lil-laahi rabbil-aalameen. Ar-rahmaani rahiim. Maaliki yawmid-diin. IAACA nabudu VA IAACA nostain. India siratal-us. Siraatul-Latin anamta alayhim, ghairil-maghdubi alayhim WA Ladi-toolleen.
Now go to a mosque, without anyone talking about the road. The right hand need to put in the heart, and the left — on the wall of the mosque. Mentally encourage the spirit of good will and ask that he gave the amulet, wish him the properties. Do not select properties that may contradict the selected symbol amulet. Necessarily, thank the holy spirit for help, use the amulet and leaves. Look back and say, while not to return home, is not possible.
In general, islam gives a number of excellent forms of protection against witchcraft each day, however, all of them can be used exclusively Orthodoxae muslims.